We all sign the Statement of Faith to join the Grace Prep family, but I am not ignorant. I know that we have students, and maybe parents, who question God, or who may have turned away from Him. It is never too late, while you still have breath, to turn back to Him. Please know that God, the Creator of the universe and all that is in it, desires to have a real relationship with you. He is calling you to Him. Christianity isn't about what you give up in order to follow Him. Christianity is about the freedom of knowing that there is a Father who loves you more than you can love yourself. While you might not be willing to die on a cross to save your own life, God sent His Son Jesus to do just that. Jesus gave up His own life willingly to make an atonement for every sin you would and could and have and will ever commit. You cannot do anything that would cause God to stop loving you. You can't make Him love you any less, and you can't make Him love you any more because His love is perfect love. It is not like our human love that puts conditions on things. There were no conditions on His love when He offered up His own Son on the cross for all of us--for each of us--for you. God's love for you is unconditional. He will never stop loving you. The Good News--the Gospel--of Jesus coming to this earth as a real person is that He paid the price for every person. My greatest hope for you is that you will turn to Him if you haven't already, or turn back to Him if you have turned away. It's simple to do. Say to Him, "I know I need you, and I want you to be my Lord--my Savior." That's all it takes. Jesus, who told the parable of the prodigal son as an example of unconditional love, is always ready to receive you as you turn to Him. If you aren't sure about your relationship with Jesus, please see me or any of our teachers. This ONE thing is more important than any subject that we can teach you.
Trust me when I say that you cannot do this life without Him. We live in a world that has been affected by the fall of Lucifer, and by the sin that was ushered in with Adam and Eve. The perfect world God created was tainted, and so life gets hard--unbearably hard at times--but He will see you through all of the hard times. Come to Him. Lean on Him. He is not shocked by your feelings or your thoughts--your anger or your sadness. He says, "Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matt. 11:28).
We, none of us, know when we will see someone for the last time. Tell your loved ones you love them.
To my students, I love you and pray for you, and there isn't anything I wouldn't do for you. I think some of you know that, but I would like for you all to know that. And I feel the very real need to say that to you.
Mrs. Pryor