How does PE work @ GPA?
Grace Prep Academy of NB does not offer Physical Education classes. All PE credit MUST be completed as a homeschool course. This course is then transferred to the Grace Prep Academy of NB high school transcript for graduation.
To transfer homeschool PE courses to your student’s high school transcript, the Academic Coordinator must have a signed homeschool transcript on file. For your convenience, a homeschool transcript form can be downloaded below. Any homeschool transcript form can be used. Please email a copy of this completed form to or turn it in to the front desk at school.
As a parent in the State of Texas, you are considered the certifying authority of homeschool coursework. Therefore, parents are permitted to assign a course numerical grade for PE. Be sure to give your student a grade on the homeschool transcript form. Also, make sure you indicate whether the student completed a full year/two semesters(1.0) or a half year/one semester (0.5) of PE. The homeschool transcript form is turned in after the PE class/coursework is done. A transcript is the official record of high school coursework attempted and completed.
What are the requirements for PE?
The State of Texas requires a minimum 1.0 PE credit to graduate with a Foundation High School Diploma. This credit must be taken in 9th - 12th grade. Middle school PE classes or sports do not qualify for high school PE credit.
PE is “100 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity” per school week during the school year according to the Texas high school graduation requirements.
Grace Prep Academy diplomas follow the Texas Foundation High School Diploma Program that requires 1.0 PE credit to graduate with a high school diploma.
A high school student can have up to 4 (1.0) PE classes on their high school transcript. The first 1.0 PE credit is required for graduation and any additional PE classes are elective credits.
PE coursework can include athletic or aerobic activities. Examples include team or individual sports, cheerleading, ROTC, dance/ballet classes, marching band, yoga, or even drill teams. The key here is that the activity meets the “moderate to vigorous physical activity” requirement.
Where can we take a PE class?
Because this class is a homeschool course and the state has granted homeschool parents authority, parents can structure this course how they wish. Students can complete all activity at home and keep a log of days and times or they can sign up for classes that satisfy the PE requirements. Below are options structured like classes that we can recommend.
Sporthalle New Braunfels - This gym/fitness center provides a class two days a that runs for the entire school year and satisfies the (1.0) PE credit requirement. For more information and to join this program, please see the Sporthalle flyer below with information!
Grace Prep Academy of NB has a cross country running club called The Running Knights! They meet all school year long and travel to events and competitions for those interested. For more information regarding this club please contact the coach, Mr. Dale Parish. He can be reached at See the flyer below for more information and to join!
NB Thunder - NB Thunder is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization aimed at creating and improving access to educational and recreational opportunities for homeschoolers in the New Braunfels area. They offer teams in Volleyball, Football, and Basketball. For more information, please go to their website at: